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Remembering Big Daddy Bill

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When we heard from Tripp Amos that his dad, Dr. Bill Amos, had died, we were heartbroken. However, we also felt some relief as we knew from Tripp how much pain Bill was in and how difficult the situation was for the family. While Bill and I served on the Amelia Island Club Board together during the bankruptcy, we did not become close until Bill, Al Watson and I, with the help of Dr. John Baker, launched the U.S. Constitution Scholarship Foundation and the University of US in 2016.   Al Watson and I agree that Bill, who ran the Speaker’s Forum, was the key to our initial success. In addition to bringing in speakers like Attorney General Ed Meese and Senator Jim DeMint free of charge, he arranged for Governor Ron DeSantis, then a member of the House of Representatives and author of a book on The Founders, to be one of our early University of US lecturers. He also got the Heritage Foundation’s online publication The Daily Signal, to circulate an article about the program to their worldwide membership.

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Bill Amos at USCSF Speakers Forum event with Ron Desantis, Jim DeMint, Al Watson and Howard Pines


A wide spectrum of people all over the country admired, appreciated, and to quote many of them, “will miss Bill so much.” Former Senator and Attorney General Jeff Sessions who zoomed in on one of our classes stated, “Bill was smart, strongly patriotic, generous, and kind. He was also humble, and convivial, and a pleasure to be around. His commitment to America inspired me to follow his lead in Alabama. Long-time Republican leader and editor for the National Review, Neal Freeman sent me a note that demonstrates how his admiration for Bill shines through. “It is said of almost everybody, but in Bill’s case, it is quite literally true. He made a difference. He came up with solutions to every problem on his list. What a pleasure to know and work with a man who did exactly what he said he would do.”

I met with Brenda and their daughter Amanda a few weeks ago. It was obvious how much Bill loved Brenda, his three children, Tripp, Ashley, Amanda, and his grandchildren. As we could all tell at the memorial service, the three kids loved and admired Bill. Amanda was in her 20s when Bill married Brenda, and soon he advised her to refer to him as Big Daddy Bill. Throughout their relationship, she was extremely impressed by his strength, but even more so during his illness. In July, with his health in decline, he was driven to Georgia with the family to participate in Ashley’s daughter’s wedding. A devoted grandfather, even a few days before the very end, he dragged himself up the stairs to watch a TV program Miguel enjoyed.

Brenda and Bill got together on a blind date in 1995, although Bill had been pursuing her for a while. By the time they married, Brenda had realized how special Bill was. Bill had previously retired from AFLAC where he was Medical Director, and had stopped delivering babies, to join his “Communist Buddy” Brant Kelch to form what became an extremely successful healthcare consulting firm. While strong in his beliefs, how someone else thought politically didn’t stop Bill from befriending them if he admired their intelligence, character, and talents. The firm consulted for more than a hundred clients including household names like General Motors, Harvard University, the United Auto Workers, and Lloyds of London.  In the early 2000s, Bill began worrying about America’s direction. He decided to retire from the firm and dedicate his life outside his family to activities that he believed could affect America’s future.

His main focus, whether with USCSF, the Book Festival, or the

Network of enlightened Women, was on developing America’s youth.

Bill’s close friend, Bill Middlemas points out Bill’s many contributions including sponsorship of the Great American Award, given each year in honor of his father at Heritage’s Awakening Conference. The recipient last year was Vice President Mike Pence and Heritage, with the support of the Amos family, intends to continue the award. Also, Genevieve Wood of Heritage sent us a large amount of pocket-size Constitutions in memory of Bill to be handed out at the next USCSF Speaker’s Forum event which will be held on December 11th. Tripp who has replaced Bill on the USCSF Board has recruited Mollie Hemingway to speak at the event.   Bill Middlemas also noted that Bill Amos was awarded The Lifetime Achievement Award by the Conservative Partnership Institute last year.

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Bill Amos at "The Hangar" surrounded by his beloved car collection


In conclusion, Bill was not one to talk about himself. He also wasn’t perfect as shown by his diet, favorite restaurants, and golf game. He had expensive taste in cars, and some hidden talents such as an ability to perform “magic tricks.” However, once Bill developed a goal, either for his family or America he focused all his intelligence, passion, energy, and resources to successfully achieve it. He leaves behind Brenda, three children, their spouses, and five grandchildren.  He also leaves behind a “path to success” that any of us who want to excel in life should follow.

- Howard Pines

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